Seed Pathology and Molecular Diagnostics
Download a full list of the pathogens we can currently test.
Ready your seed for international export by testing the seed pathology. Our molecular diagnostics tests can detect whether restricted bacterial or fungal organisms are present in your sample.
AgEtal supports international trade of grains by providing seed pathology testing for MICoR compliance. A number of fungal organisms are prohibited for export to various countries and we are able to test for a range of pathogens with our suite of available pathology test methods.
Our Pathology Services
Our pathology department offers a range of testing for bacterial, fungal, viral and nematode phytopathogens. Additionally, we offer quantitative total Aflatoxin, Glyphosate and Gluten testing. Most of our bacterial and fungal testing is done on a molecular platform that delivers customers a rapid turnaround time. We are always interested in exploring additional ways we can meet industry testing needs, so if you don’t find your target organism on the below list, feel free to enquire with our helpful staff directly.
Toxins: Total Aflatoxin (LOD 4 ppb) (B1+B2+G1+G2)
MRLs: Glyphosate (LOD 0.075 ppm) *Please allow 2-3 weeks for kit to be ordered in
Allergens: Gluten (LOD 4ppm)
Plant & Seed Pathology:
- Agar Grow Out (Available on select bacterial & fungal pathogens)
- ISTA Blotter (Available on select fungal pathogens)
- Agrobacterium (pathogenic biovars, incl. A. tumefaciens, A. rhizogenes, A. rubi & A. vitis)
- Clavibacter michiganensis All*
- Clavibacter michiganensis subsp insidiosus
- Clavibacter michiganensis subsp michiganesis
- Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens
- Dickeya species* (incl. dadantii (ex - Erwinia chrysanthemi))
- Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola
- Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato
- Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae
- Pseudomonas syringae pv. pisi
- Pseudomonas syringae group*
- Rathayibacter rathayi
- Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli
- Xanthomonas genus*, including axonodpodis (syn. campestris)
- Smut (Visual)
- Ascochyta rabiei (Molecular detection for Presence/Absence or ISTA blotter for %)
- Bipolaris sorokiniana (NB other Bipolaris species available upon request) (Root rot, spot blotch)
- Botrytis cinerea (Presence/Absence or blotter for %)
- Ceratobasidium cereale (Rhizoctonia cerealis) (Sharp eyespot)
- Claviceps africana (Ergot in sorghum): Presence/Absence or %
- Colletotrichum species*
- Fusarium oxysporum (Fusarium wilt)
- Fusarium species*
- Fusarium sporotrichioides
- Leptosphaeria maculans (Black Leg)
- Macrophomina phaseolina (Charcoal rot)
- Microdochium (Monographella) nivale & majus (Seedling blight)
- Periconia species*
- Peronospora manshurica
- Phoma medicaginis (Black stem & leaf spot)
- Phoma pinodella & pinodes (Spring black stem & leaf spot)
- Pythium species*
- Phytophthora cinnamomi (Root rot, dieback)
- Phytophthora species*
- Puccinia helianthi (Sunflower rust)
- Rhizoctonia solani (Damping off, black scurf, root rot)
- Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (White mould)
- Septoria helianthi (Septoria leaf spot)
- Septoria tritici - IN DEVELOPMENT
- Stagonosporopsis cucurbitacearum, caricae & citrulli (Gummy stem)
- Tilletia caries (syn. tritici), laevis, controversa ALL IN ONE will not distinguish
- Tilletia species (Smut)
- Urocystis agropyri & tritici (Smut)
- Ustilago nuda (Smut)
- Ustilago tritici (Smut)
- Verticillium dahlia (Verticillium wilt)
- Verticillium species*
- Alfalfa Mosaic Virus
- Arabis Mosaic Virus
For the following viruses, we do not always keep testing kits in stock depending on the season and the demand. Please check with our lab staff first if you require testing for these and note that there may be a 3-6 week delay if we need to order a new kit:
- Cucumber Mosaic Virus
- Pea Seed-borne Mosaic Virus
- Tobacco Rattle Virus
- Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus
- Panicum Mosaic Virus
Mites: Tyrophagus putrescentiae
Variety Testing: Wheat (Protein Electrophoresis)
- Endophytes - seed squash method and immunoblotter method
- Rhizobia
- Trichoderma spp.
- Molecular based tests 24 - 72 hrs
- ELISAs 24 - 72 hrs
- Nematodes 24 - 72 hrs
- Blotters 7 - 21 days
- Grow outs are species dependent
*Group assays:
When our group assays (assays that detect either all species or all subspecies/pathovars) return a positive detection, we are unable to verify whether this detection is the target of interest or not. This result would be treated as a presumptive positive and further testing would be required for confirmation purposes, at additional cost. However, a negative result would demonstrate freedom from all species or subspecies covered by the test, including the target of interest. If you require frequent testing for an organism within one of our group assays please talk to our pathology staff and we can look into the possibility of developing an assay specific to your needs.