Mungbean Analysis and AMA.

We are accredited by the Australian Mungbean Association (AMA) to perform a variety of tests to determine the quality of Mungbeans for various purposes.

AgEtal is accredited by the Australian Mungbean Association (AMA) for all testing of Mungbean seed and grain and also for the field inspection of seed crops. The AMA is the peak body representing the Mungbean industry in Australia. This includes the regulation of seed production and sales and the marketing of Australian Mungbean grain domestically and internationally.

Learn more about the Mungbean tests we offer from the list below.

Mungbean Analysis and AMA - AgEtal

Mungbean Appearance Test

Mungbean Appearance Test

Mungbeans are a crop that is more of finished product than a product that is altered before use. As such aesthetics are all important. The following defects detract from the aesthetic value, “Appearance” and therefore market value of Mungbeans: 

  • Surface dust will adhere to the inside of a plastic bag and reduces the lustre of the product
  • Damaged seed coats reveal the yellow grain beneath
  • Staining on the surface of the seed from wet foliage leaves dark spots on the surface of the seed coat
  • Wrinkling of the seed coat and consequential rubbing off of loose seed coat
  • White “pod scale” adhering to the surface of the seed
  • Generally variability in colour, size and lustre. 

Reason for Analysis:

The Mungbean Appearance Test is designed to classify Mungbeans into visual quality classes: No. 1, Processing and Manufacturing grades. End use and pricing are determined by the class. The test is only applicable to machine dressed product - not farmer dressed product.

About the Analysis

A sub-sample is visually compared in the laboratory with AMA Standard samples. This is a “first glance” comparison and does not yet consider the quantifiable elements. Secondly, “quantifiable” attributes are assessed according to AMA definitions for wrinkling, pod scale, staining and damaged seed coat. A final grade derived from the worst quantifiable and visual assessments.

Factors affecting results

  • Preharvest weather
  • time of harvest
  • mechanical and insect damage
  • storage conditions

The above factors can have a dramatic effect on the quality of Mungbeans.

Mungbean Sprouting

Mungbean Sprouting

One of the industrial uses of better quality Mungbeans is for the production of salad sprouts. Mungbean sprouts are commonly sold in supermarkets. The aesthetic value of the sprouts is all important in determining the suitability of a lot of Mungbeans for sprouting. 

About the Analysis

A sample of Mungbeans is “sprouted” under laboratory conditions. The resulting sprouts are divided into acceptable and unacceptable sprouts. Each category is calculated as a percentage and a sprouting score is assigned to the lot based on the percentage of acceptable sprouts (50-60%=5, 70-80%=7, etc.). 

Interpreting the Results

In any sprouting operation, diseases manifest as clumps of unusable sprouts. These are counted and reported.

Since Mungbean sprouts are used directly for human consumption, microbiological tests are also available based on either the drainage water from the sprouting test or directly on the grain. Micro tests that are applicable to this test include: E.coli, Salmonella and Listeria.

Mungbean Germination Test

Mungbean Germination Test

ISTA rules are used to determine the germination analysis of Mungbeans. Results are applicable to Mungbeans used for seed and also for sprouting.

Parameters measured include: Normal, Abnormal, Hard, Fresh and Dead. In the case of sprouting Mungbeans, this is the only test that determines Hard Seed (Hard Seed will not sprout at all).

Mungbean Purity Test

Mungbean Purity Test

ISTA rules are used to determine the Purity Analysis of Mungbeans (currently under review by the AMA). The test is applicable to both planting seed and grain trade.

Importantly, the ISTA definition of Pure Seed is applied and the germination test is done on pure seed only so it does not measure the germination on the portion of the Mungbean grain that falls outside of this definition. 

Mungbean Seed Count

Mungbean Seed Count

Seed Count is simply the number of seeds per Kg or 1000 seed weight. Both are reported. The test is mostly used for Mungbeans that are used for seed to determine planting rates.

Mungbean Charcoal Rot

Mungbean Charcoal Rot

This test was designed by the AMA to detect charcoal rot in seed and sprouting Mungbeans. Charcoal Rot is caused by the fungal organism Macrophomina phaseolina.

The spores are carried on the seed coat and germinate under warm, moist conditions to form a sooty black rot of the infected seedling that easily spreads to nearby seeds. The presence of Charcoal Rot in Mungbeans can render them unsuitable for seed and sprouts.

Mungbean Oversoaks

Mungbean Oversoaks

This test was designed by the AMA to test imbibition for seed and sprouting Mungbeans.  This test will determine the portion of seeds over imbibing moisture, which may result in failure to sprout. 

Mungbean Sizing Test

Mungbean Sizing Tests

Variability in size of Mungbeans affects the overall appearance of the product. The more uniform the better.

In the Sizing Test, a sample is passed over a number of slotted screens with 0.4mm differences in the slots. The quantities of the two largest consecutive portions (ie 0.8mm) are combined to give a percentage. For the top grades 75% must fall within the 0.8mm range.

Mungbean Analysis Prices

About Mungbean Analysis

  • Germination - $103.74
  • Seed Count - $50.79
  • Purity - $88.56
  • Charcoal rot - $113.21
  • Oversoak - $82.97
  • Sizing - $96.89
  • Sprouting - $333.59
  • AMA Standard $177.45

Ready to get started?  Request for Mungbean Analysis

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Simply complete the form on paper, attach to your sample and post or deliver to AgEtal.

If you require testing to full ISTA methods (i.e. 4 reps instead of 2) or for OIC/BIC please use the ISTA form.

ISTA International Form

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Request for Analysis.

Simply book online for all your seed and grain testing then drop off or post the sample to our lab.

Please be sure about the tests you require before submitting your Request for Analysis. *See our Cancellation Policy
Test results have a fast turnaround and are available online.

Request for your samples to be analysed in three easy steps.

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sample to AgEtal.

Attach the form to your sample. Post or deliver the sample to AgEtal. For fast turnaround, please deliver samples before 3:30pm.

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We have received your request for analysis, don't forget to print and sign the receipt below to attach to your samples. Send or deliver your samples to our laboratory. If you have any questions, please contact us.

We will be in contact with you when your results are ready.

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AgEtal Request Analysis

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Analysis Details 8
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Accredited Sampler & Other

* Abbreviations: Purity = P  Germination = G  Vigour = V  Tetrazolium = Tz  |  Weed Search = WS

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Test results have a fast turnaround and are available online.

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 Post or deliver the
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Issued by Luanne Cunliffe Director Webform WAM03 01/09/21

Contact AgEtal Agricultural Testing Laboratory

Get in contact with our laboratory to book an analysis or learn more about our testing.

Phone 07 4633 3223

[email protected]

Courier 9/24 Carroll St Toowoomba QLD 4350

Auspost PO Box 7135 Toowoomba South 4350

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday
8:30am to 5:00pm

Saturday & Sunday
Closed to the public

Counting is done every day – after hours drop off box available.

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